Friday, March 15, 2013

Kruger National Park

(copied from an older blog, to consolidate my Blogger accounts)

17 SEPT. 2009

Bon, j'ai environ 20 minutes a l'ordi, je vais essayer d'en profiter pour vous mettre un peu au courant de mes aventures.

As soon as I can (maybe today, depends if the guy at the desk can transfer my pictures to DVD quickly enough) I will put up pictures with captions, a more efficient way to describe our trip.
Travelling in South Africa is very different from travelling in Asia! This is not the place for backpackers. Most of the safe hotels are a bit out of the city and are self-catering, to avoid having to go out at night to a restaurant, I guess. This is not the safest country! Barbed wire, fences, dogs. One man told us he'd been carjacked while driving, with a gun. He made it out safely though. A young woman of 23 years was carjacked with a gun, at night. Her clothes were torn, she was hit on the head, but otherwise she was ok. A few months later, she was stabbed for her cellphone! Crazy country!
Par contre, les gens qu'on rencontre sont tres gentils ici. Tout le monde commence les conversations par "Hello, how are you?" On est poli. Et serviable. Et souriant. Surtout au Parc Kruger, ou on a passe les derniers jours, pour voir les animaux.

We've rented a car, and Rheal has become very good at driving on the left of the road. We drive though Kruger National Park and spot tons of animals! It's very exciting to see them in the wild. Well, they're fenced in, but the park is about the size of Israel, so they have some room to roam.

Des qu'on voit des autos arretees, on ralenti et on regarde partout, pour voir ce qu'ils regardent. Hier, on ne voyait rien alors on a demande, et ils regardaient des lionnes en chasse! Une des lionnes etait couchee dans l'herbre, tres bien camouflee, et regardait un impala completement immobile. Soudain, elle saute. L'impala court... et se sauve! Pas de repas cette fois-ci, mais quel spectacle!

We also took a morning walk, accompanied by a guide and a ranger (both armed) and we heard some lions roaring! And then we took a sunset drive and saw a leopart crossing the road! We're having fun checking the little boxes on the list of animals to see.
Tomorrow morning, we're going on a sunrise drive, and we're really hoping we'll get to see a cheetah.
I'll never watch the Lion King the same way! We keep singing songs relating to the animals we see, and of course, Lion King can often be heard in the Gauthier-Mann car.

Je vais arreter ici pour l'instant, et j'espere avoir acces a l'Internet assez bientot, pour vous montrer mes photos et vous raconter d'autres histoires.

1 commentaire:

  1. Akouna matata! J'ai tellement aimé votre trame sonore pour le visuel du Parc Kruger. Surtout quand on a finalement vu notre phacochère.

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