Friday, March 15, 2013

Internet options in South Africa

(copied from an older blog, to consolidate my Blogger accounts)

11 SEPT. 2009

Well.... Internet is not as available here as in Asia. And it's either slow or expensive, so you'll have to wait for my pictures. I've got so much to tell, but not enough time! My blog entries may be few and far between....

Nous avons visite Soweto, un rassemblement de 49 townships a Johannesbourg. Tres interessant, beaucoup de marche, beaucoup appris. Des histoires tres touchantes. Je comprends mieux le ressentiment des noirs envers les blancs. On dirait maintenant que l'appartheid est inverse, d'une certaine facon. J'expliquerai quand j'aurai plus de temps.

We left Jo'burg this morning, took a very nice and comfy bus to Nelspruit, in the North. We're staying in a nice lodge outside the city, surrounded by trees of all sorts.

And now, my time at the computer is running out, it's very expensive.
Keep those comments coming, and those emails, I like to hear from you!

3 commentaires:

  1. Your first Jo'burg post reminded me of how even in comparatively tiny, comparatively peaceful Windhoek, Namibia, there are walls and spiked fences or barbed wire protecting each property. Discouraging to see that almost warlike atmosphere of violent physical protection everywhere (though in Windhoek it varies from the hard-core to often merely symbolic barriers in parts). But then get out of the major centres and you see peace, welcoming arms, beauty. I take it your lodge by Nelspruit is giving you a taste of that.

    And isn't it odd, too, as a white North American, to find oneself a very visible racial minority? Though I noticed that more in Japan waaay back in the day than in Africa, actually. Heck, I was more conscious of it in some neighbourhoods of *Chicago* than in most of my African trip. Much as I'd like to think race doesn't matter & I do forget about it 99% of the time, for me I found it suddenly strange to be prodded out of my colour-blind trance for a moment. No great revelations of it meaning anything, good or bad, just a different sense of awareness of self in different surroundings.
  2. hello ma belle, aaahhh c'est frustrant de ne pas plus pouvoir te lire, tu dois avoir tellement à raconter! J'espère que tu trouveras des solutions internet un peu plus satisfaisantes au cour du voyage.
    Profitez-en à fond :)
  3. Wow... j'ai bien hâte d'entendre ou de lire la suite. C'est intéressant et j'imagine que ça peut mener à des discussions philosophiques et politiques très denses. J'espère que la situation internet sera mieux ailleurs pour voir des photos quand même. Bisous d'Ottawa.

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