Friday, March 15, 2013

Final days in Africa

(copied from an older blog, to consolidate my Blogger accounts)

5 OCT. 2009

This is it. Tomorrow will be my last day in Africa. I can't believe how much I've seen and done this past month. In many ways, I'm a lot more aware of the biodiversity of this planet, and its interconnectedness. As well as our impact on all this. 

Nous avons quitte Pemba hier, apres une tres belle semaine et demie. Pour notre dernier soir, nous sommes alle a un "full moon party", mais rien a voir avec ceux de la Thailande. Plutot un groupe d'amis qui se rencontrent sur la plage a la pleine lune, avec de la musique. Mais quel paysage magique! La lune eclairait parfaitement la plage, a maree tres basse. Des silhouettes de rochers parsemaient le paysage, vraiment magique comme soiree. 

We left Sarah with a few tears in our eyes. Another 5 months, at least, before we see her again! But I'm very happy we got to visit her and spend so much time at her temporary home. 

Today, we went to visit the Cradle of Humankind, just outside of Joburg. It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where the earliest specimens of Austalopithecus africanus were found. Really interesting. We went down in a huge cave, with impressive rock formations and a very good guide. We were accompanying a school group who was very well behaved. When the guide said "Good afternoon, how are you?" They all replied as one "Fine thank you, and how are you, sir?" Impressive!

Nous n'avons pas encore decide ce que nous ferions demain, mais demain soir, je prends l'avoir pour Paris, puis pour Montreal, et j'arrive a Ottawa mercredi soir. J'ai hate d'etre de retour a Ottawa, il y a de belles choses qui m'y attendent, mais en meme temps, je ne veux pas vraiment partir! Je n'arrive pas a croire que le voyage se termine deja...

When I get back home, I'll upload pictures and put them up here, with captions, so you can have a better idea of what I've seen and done this past month.

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