Friday, March 15, 2013


(copied from an older blog, to consolidate my Blogger accounts)

2 OCT. 2009

I can't believe it's October already! And I've only got a few days left in Mozambique!
I've certainly been enjoying my time here. Let me try to give you a glimpse of all we've seen and done here. Despite what some people told us, there is a lot to see and do in Pemba, if you're the kind of traveler who likes to wander around and discover the people, as well as the sites. 

First, Rheal and I decided we wanted to discover another kind of fauna and flora. We've discovered it in Kruger Park, now we wanted to see what's hiding under the Indian Ocean. We went for an introductory dive, exploring the corals off the coast of Pemba, going down to about 12 meters under sea level, spending about 45 minutes under water. It was wonderful! We had a really good instructor, who made us feel safe even though we'd never done anything like this. I did have a few moments of wondering what I was doing, but all in all, it was a really good experience. I think it could become very relaxing, once you get used to it. And of course, the fish are beautiful. 

Je vais peut-etre retourner pour une deuxieme plongee, mais ce n'est pas encore certain, vu qu'il y a quand meme beaucoup a faire et de moins en moins de temps! On quitte Pemba dimanche, deja! Et puis, c'est vraiment epuisant de faire de la plongee sous-marine. Je ne sais pas si c'est la respiration, ou les mouvements auxquels on n'est pas habitues, ou la pression, ou le poids, mais Rheal et moi avons fait une petite sieste apres notre plongee. C'est quand meme une experience que j'aimerais bien repeter, ici ou ailleurs. 

Yesterday, we took a tour of a bairro, a poorer neighbourhood of Pemba. Our guide, Maida, was extremely knowledgeable and friendly, and took us to see many trades people. I was amazed at how friendly the people here are. Everyone (almost) smiled and waved at us, said hello, seemed happy to see us. The children, especially. We were followed by a group of curious children, who posed for us whenever we took out our camera and burst out laughing when we showed them the results. They were also laughing at the strange tourists we were, trying to talk to them in Portuguese. It's always fun when the staring is reciprocal. 

Nous avons aussi suivi une visite d'un lac a l'exterieur de Pemba, ou les pecheurs, dans leurs petites pirogues, semblaient chanter aux poissons! Dans les villages qu'on a traversés, les gens nous faisaient bonjour de la main, heureux de nous voir. Notre guide nous a conduits a la ferme d'un de ses amis, qui a un immense terrain, des pompes d'eau et un tracteur! On n'aura pas vu beaucoup de fermes comme ca ici. 

Today, we're going to meet up with Sarah for lunch, and then explore the old city. There's always something to see over here. And then, I'll probably take a little dip in the ocean, to cool off!
Pictures will have to wait, but rest assured that as soon as I can (maybe when I'm back in Ottawa) I'll put up lots of pictures. And even more on Facebook, for those of you who are connected.

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